Real-time multi-GNSS Precise Point Positioning using IGS-RTS products in Antarctic region


In this study, the usability and accuracy performance of the multi-GNSS kinematic real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) technique in Antarctica, which has extreme atmospheric and topographic conditions, was investigated. In this context, the two-day GNSS dataset of the OHI300ATA reference station, which is a member of the IGS MGEX-RTS stations network, was used. In the test measurements, the real-time State Space Representation (SSR) formatted corrections produced by different IGS-RTS Analysis Centers were used and compared. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the achieved performance of the kinematic RT-PPP using IGS-RTS SSR products is found very promising with a cm level of 3D positioning accuracy after about 20–30 min convergence time. The overall results of the study show that the RT-PPP technique has become a strong alternative to differential real-time GNSS positioning techniques with the accuracy of it provides in the Antarctic region

Polar Science, 32
Bilal Mutlu
Bilal Mutlu
Research Assistant

My research interests include satellite geodesy, and natural hazard monitoring with geosensors. For more detailed information you can take a look at the summary of my Msc Thesis.