In this study, the usability and accuracy performance of the multi-GNSS kinematic real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) technique in Antarctica, which has extreme atmospheric and topographic conditions, was investigated. In this context, the two-day GNSS dataset of the OHI300ATA reference station, which is a member of the IGS MGEX-RTS stations network, was used. In the test measurements, the real-time State Space Representation (SSR) formatted corrections produced by different IGS-RTS Analysis Centers were used and compared. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the achieved performance of the kinematic RT-PPP using IGS-RTS SSR products is found very promising with a cm level of 3D positioning accuracy after about 20–30 min convergence time. The overall results of the study show that the RT-PPP technique has become a strong alternative to differential real-time GNSS positioning techniques with the accuracy of it provides in the Antarctic region