Continuous Decimeters Level Real-Time Precise Point Positioning in Polar High Latitude Region


In this article, the usability and accuracy assessment of the real-time Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique for dynamic positioning in application areas with difficult atmospheric and topographic conditions, such as polar regions, has been investigated. Within this frame, kinematic Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data collected during the ship voyage in the Southern Ocean region for the 6th Turkish Antarctic Expedition in 2022 was used. The GNSS data were collected over approximately 9 hours with a 1 Hz sampling rate by tracking all available satellite constellations. The data were processed using Net_Diff GNSS in-house processing software with a PPP solution with an ambiguity resolution (PPP-AR solution) approach using real-time products in the real-time Precise Point Positioning (RT-PPP) mode. The State Space Representation (SSR) products were retrieved from Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales / Centre for Space Studies (CNES) Analysis Center. The results showed that the real-time GNSS PPP solution provided a cm to dm level of accuracy. The overall results obtained from the study showed that the RT-PPP technique is an alternative to the relative method in challenging high-latitude regions. The results of the study will also contribute to many researchers who will work in the polar regions and make a meaningful contribution to the limited literature.

In *6th Intercontinental Geoinformation Days *
Bilal Mutlu
Bilal Mutlu
Research Assistant

My research interests include satellite geodesy, and natural hazard monitoring with geosensors. For more detailed information you can take a look at the summary of my Msc Thesis.