IGS Real-Time Service (RTS) provides GPS-only or GPS+GLONASS real-time precise orbit and clock products for RT-PPP applications. On the other hand, some IGS analysis centers (ACs) provide real-time precise products for Multi-GNSS RT-PPP within the scope of the IGS- Multi-GNSS EXperiment (MGEX) project. In addition, the Spaceopal GmbH, the prime contractor responsible for the Galileo operations, launched a new worldwide real-time correction service known as NAVCAST in October 2018. This service provides GPS+Galileo real-time precise orbit and clock products based on the RETICLE algorithm developed by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). This study aims to test the convergence and accuracy performance of the RT-PPP method using the IGS-MGEX and Spaceopal NAVCAST RTS products separately in the Antarctica continent with different constellations. For this purpose, the RT-PPP solutions have been carried out for GPS-only, Galileo-only, and GPS+Galileo constellations by using the real-time data from OHI300ATA0 IGS-MGEX RT station in the Antarctica continent together with the mentioned RTS products. In the study, real-time corrections of DLR were used as MGEX RTS products. The obtained results were compared by means of both the contributing satellite systems and the used RTS products. In the result, the horizontal and vertical position accuracies were found centimeter and around one decimeter level, respectively for the single constellation RT-PPP solutions using the NAVCAST and IGS-MGEX RTS products. By using the two constellations together, the convergence time was shortened and the horizontal and vertical position accuracies were improved by approximately 40% and 30%, respectively. These accuracies were obtained for an 8-hour observation period with approximately 30-60 minutes convergence time. In conclusion, the NAVCAST-RTS provided almost equal RT-PPP accuracies with IGS-RTS for the single- and multi- constellation data of an IGS-RT network station in the Antarctic region